- Be Yourself
- Journey of Love
- Just a Mother
- She
- Proud To Be A Woman
- When Will My Lover Come
- Love’s Letting Go
- Beloved, I am Calling You
- You Are Amazing
- Let The Shakti In
- I Am Not A Good Girl
- Russian Soul
Эта фраза, которой Перукуа назвала свой альбом, лучше всего характеризует ее послание миру. А этим альбомом она показывает что осознанная музыка может звучать современно и актуально музыкальным вкусам нового мира, который формируется на наших глазах.
Это мир в котором размываются грани, те, которые сама Перукуа полностью растворила своим творчеством уже много лет назад.
И этим альбомом Перукуа показывает, что быть собой, важнее, чем быть в тренде. Ведь рано или поздно оба этих состояния будут вибрировать на одной частоте.
Не даром, композиция Be Yourself (будь собой) уже стала хитом Инстаграма, где тысячи женщин делятся ей в своих сториз, как аккомпанемент каких то вдохновенных событий дня.
Этот современный яркий альбом местами очень личный для Перукуа. Упомянутая Be Yourself, написана для дочери, а You Are Amazing (ты прекрасен) – посвящение мужу.
Трогательная, можно сказать интимная песня, одновременно дает почувствовать что джазовая карьера Перукуа хоть и в прошлом, но отголоски ее весьма ощутимы и по сей день. Джазовый стиль лишь обрел более современное звучание.
Just a Mother (Она была просто мамой) трагичная глубокая и одновременно вдохновляющая на откроенный диалог со своей мамой песня. С одной стороны невозможно не расплакаться слушая историю мамы Перукуа, с другой последний куплет – это важное послание для каждой из нас, чтобы переосмыслить роль мамы в нашей жизни и взглянуть на нее новым взглядом.
Далее альбом выходит за рамки личного пути Перукуа и переходит к теме Женщины в современном мире.
She (Она) – обновленная версия классического хита Перукуа, трогательный, яркий мелодичный апдейт, песни-посвящению каждой женщины, ее пути в мире от дней древних до наших.
Proud to be a Woman (Горда Быть Женщиной) – заглавная композиция видео-курса “Гармоничные Месячные” – призыв ко всем женщинам поменять отношение к этому удивительному дару силы и мудрости – своим месячным!
Тема возвращения женщиной своей силы продолжается и в композиции I am not a Good Girl (Я не та хорошая девочка). Новый динамичные современный музыкальный формат передает энергетику послания как нельзя лучше. Песня одновременно является заглавной композицией одноименного видеокурса!
Раз уж мы заговорили про энергетику женщины, то следующая композиция, просто идеально передает это состояние, наполненной, чувственной женщины Let The Shakti In (Позволь энергии Шакти наполнить тебя).
Тема любви находит отражение в альбоме Я Женщина сразу в нескольких композициях. Love’s Letting Go (Отпуская былую любовь) – заглавный трек одноименного видеокурса наполнен ключами к тому, как наконец-то снять с себя оковы ушедшей любви. Важная тема для песни о любви, важная тема для видео-курса.
Песни Beloved, I am Calling You (Любимый, я зову тебя) и When will my lover come (Когда придет мой любимый) с музыкальной точки зрения по разному трактуют эту тему, близкую многим женщинам. Эти великолепные песни вдохновения стали заглавными композициями видео-курса “Как пригласить настоящую любовь в свою жизнь”!
Песня Journey of Love (Путь любви) – дань всем кто живет этим путем. Тем, кто выбрал любовь, как основной путеводитель в жизни! И да, это может быть непростой путь. На этом пути, мы всегда сначала отдаем, прежде, чем получить… и да, любовь может забрать у нас все, но ее ответные дары, стоят всех «жертв».
Russian Soul (Русская Душа) – с одной стороны это признание в любви русской душе, а с другой это глубокое послание нашей родине, чтобы баланс между мужским и женским началом восстановил величие земли русской.
«Я – Женщина» – альбом на каждый день, он и вдохновляет и наполняет, и одновременно напоминает о многих важных темах. Дает повод гордиться тем, что мы женщины и одновременно отпустить себя в любовь, зная, что она и есть путь, она и есть жизнь!
Be yourself don't try to impress
Baby there isn't anybody else
Quite like you
Don't try to imitate The universe doesn't make mistakes
Authenticity is the only way you live your life freely
Be yourself everybody else is taken
Be yourself
Listen with your heart
Be yourself
Shine like the diamond you are
A beautiful brilliant star
Be yourself
The greatest work of art
Walk for a day in someone else's shoes
You will see that they struggle with themselves just like you
With insecurities like am I enough, am I weak, am I tough, am I cool or beautiful
Be yourself
Everybody else is taken
Listen with your heart
Be yourself
Shine like the diamond you are
A beautiful brilliant star
Be yourself
The greatest work of art
I wish my mama could have told me what I'm telling you
But I had to learn the hard way
So when you feel that passion burning inside
Don't let it slip away and die
Be yourself
Be yourself
Everybody else is taken
Listen with your heart
Be yourself
Shine like the diamond you are
A beautiful brilliant star
Be Youself
the greatest work of art
Trust in your beauty
Trust in your love
Look for it within yourself
You will always be enough
I am proud to be a woman
I am proud to bleed
How beautifully my body purifies me
I am open I am woman
I open when I bleed
And even in my pain
I open to to this vulnerability, open vulnerably
Proud to be a woman I will not play it small
The power of my love makes me beautiful
I'm not ashamed of my body
I'm not ashamed my sensuality
Now somebody tell me please
Why 2 billion women bleed
Have to hide it from the world
Like it’s a disease.
I love being a woman I love being me
I am whole I am related every woman
And the whole earth she loves me
Oh the mother she takes care of me
Proud to be a woman
And I will not play it small
The power of my love makes me beautiful
Proud to be a Woman
The power of my love
Is the power to change the world
I open up myself to her
And let her love breath me
I open up myself to her
Ooh sweet mother earth
I open up myself to her
And let her love breath me
I'm Proud to be a woman
Come on all my sisters
Proud to be a woman
We have the same blood flowing through us
Proud to be a woman
We are women of the Earth
Proud to be be a woman
We have the power to change the world
I'm in love with you my Russian soul
Ive been away for so many lives
And now I'm home and how I've missed the spirit in your eyes
When I put my feet in her soil the Mother
She sang through me
Help my people remember the way help them to break free
I'm Russian
Lift the shroud from war torn faces
Find the truth get out of the mazes
Clear the fog of drunken hazes
My Russian soul
I'm Russian
Oh my Russian soul your roots are old
Your nature springs from fertile soil from rugged peaks
From rivers deep andfresh forest flowers
When I put my feet in her soil
She sang through me
Help my people remember the way help them to break free
I'm Russian
Let the women find their voices
Trust their love and make new choices
Free them from self-doubting forces
My Russian Soul
I'm Russian
Listen ooh man love your woman
Open her like a flower
Give her direction listen her wisdom
Love her into her power
She can restore the balance of creation
She can heal the wounds of the nation
Together grow strong and heal the separation
My Russian Soul
I'm Russian
This wild search is dangerously authentic
Illusive and ruthlessly honest
Relentlessly enticing
It is the quest of life
Mercilessly painful
Roaring with passion
Without beginning or ending
This is the journey of love
Baby I wanna let you in
I want to give myself to your loving
Even if my heart begins to close
I'm gonna open it back up again
Baby I wanna give in
But I'm feelin so vulnerable
I just wanna let go of my fear
So I will keep surrendering
Its a healing its a medicine
Its a medicine with more power than any religion
Cause its Helplessly Human
And totally true
To be inside the one you love
To be wholly you
This is the journey of love
This is the journey of love
Sometimes you sometimes me
Try to keep control this vulnerability
Sometimes you sometimes me
when we break it down
It's heavenly
Its a healing its a medicine
With more power than any religion
When love is the moving force
The bodies open
Into the eternal source
And all the pain and separation
Dissolves into ecstatic revelation
It's helplessly human and totally true
It's the force of the universe
And it moves me and you
Beat on skin
My hips begin to swing
The rhythm of your pulse
Seduces my soul
Beat on my skin
Beat on my skin
Feel aroused from within
The rhythm of your pulse
Seduces my soul
Loosen up my mind
From my hips to my spine
Loosen up my mind
From my hips to my spine
Beat on my soul
Power of your pulse
This music of the void
Calling me home
Beat on my soul
Beat on my soul
The rhythm takes me home
Shimmy and Shake
Dances me awake
Beat on my soul
Oh Beloved Spin Let the Shakti in
Oh beloved spin Let the Shakti sing
I have never met a soul so giving as you
I have never been so loved so wholly and true
When I met you your eyes were so bright
Like a man who touched death and knew the value of life
Your love is my life and I’m shining it for you.
You are Amazing I’m in love with you so deep
I just want you to love yourself to make our love complete
You are amazing mmmmmm
Now I’m not an easy woman to claim
But you had the courage and maturity
See I had waited for a man so strong
You had the presence to hold me
Through all my self doubt and all my womanly feelings
You reflect the truth to me so clearly
Your love is my light and Im shining it for you
You are amazing I’m in love with you so deep
Oh I just want you to love yourself the way that you love me
Now I know you searched this earth.
Packed up your things went on the road looking for her
Coz your life hadn’t made any sense
Without a woman to receive your essence
She had taken from you used you and refused you many times before
Still you believed you held on and you were strong
I hope I’m worthy as your reward.
You are Amazing I’m in love with you so deep
I just want you to love yourself to make our love complete
You are Amazing I’m in love with you so deep
I just want you to love yourself to make our love complete
My lover my king you humble me
You fill my life with such abundant beauty
Coz you give so selflessly …Baby you’re amazing
You are Amazing I’m in love with you so deep
I just want you to love yourself to make our love complete
You are Amazing I’m in love with you so deep
I just want you to love yourself to make our love complete
You are Amazing I’m in love with you so deep
I'm the woman I Am coz of the way that you love me
I was just a baby child
When my papa he drowned
He fell to the bottom of the ocean
His body they never found
She was left with 4 children
To raise all on her own
She hoped
She prayed
She waited
That one he'd return
Alone alone
And one day her hope faded
Alone alone
How would she carry on
She was just a mother
A mother
Tryin to find her way on
She was just a mother
A mother
Tryin to carry the load
She looked for a man to rescue her
Fate bought her a wealthy doctor
He said he take good care of her
And give her children a better world
And Days were long
When the doctor came home
He never stayed sober
When he drank he was poisonous
All of his promises turned to lies
Oh lies
All of his promises turned to lies
Heya heya
And the pain grew inside
She was just a mother
A mother
Trying to ease her pain
She was just a mother
A mother
Looking for a better way
He came home from work one day
Vicious words turned to violent games
He dragged her across the floor
Then he beat her face some more
I stood crying terrified
My big brothers paralysed
He'd never hit her like this before
And she was curled up by the door
Alone alone
We couldn't help her
Heya heya
And the pain grew some more
She was just a mother
A mother
Trying to find her way
She was just a mother
A mother
Trying to ease her pain
She found the courage to leave him
But she was addicted to the money
It became her only friend
To ease her pain she'd spend and spend and spend
When her credit cards ran out
She cried out loud
Oh bring me another wealthy man
And bring my troubles to an end
Heya heya
Bring my troubles to an end
Heya heya
And the cycle begins again
She was just a mother
A mother
Lookin’ for a better way
A mother a mother
Tryin to ease her pain
She was just a mother
A mother lookin for a way home
She was just a mother
A mother
A woman who lost her love
Heya heya heya heya
If you look at your own mother
A woman who longed to be so loved
A woman with dreams and fantasies
One day she would be his queen
Oh if you look at your own mother
No-one told her to love herself
To give it all up to the family
To keep inside her pain and grief
Oh la la la le oh la la la la la oh
If you talk to your own mother
Ask her does she love herself
If you look into her eyes
Ask her if she's happy with her life
Oh if you ask her would she change
Could you give her another way
If you look into her heart
Has she given it to you
So you could start to be
All that you could be
And is it time to give it back to her
So she can be
She was just a mother
A mother
Tryin to find her way on
She was just a mother
A mother
A woman who lost her love
Oh my love
You have gone your way
Oh my love
To me a great gift you gave
To know this love
Lives eternally lives eternally in me
I was afraid
To truly stand alone
I found my trust
It gave me the strength to let go
Now I am free
This love lives eternally in me
Love is letting go
Love is helping me grow
Oh my love
You have gone your way
You'll come again
With a different face and a different name
Now I am free
This love lives eternally in me
I will not fight
I will not hide
Just let you burn inside
Until my loneliness for you tenderly dies
I will not hold on
I will not indulge in past memories
Just let burn away
With the future we made
Until my heart silently obeys
Love is letting go
She is the very power
Manifesting the universe
She is the spirit of love
She breathes in everybody's body
She created everybody's body
Pure sensitivity
Pure sensuality
She is flow and undulation
She is cosmic celebration
Open surrender
Her pain is that she has been pushed into the underworld
She lost herself
She lost her love
She followed her man up into the world of sexuality
Where she'll never be free
Where she's bought and sold for her feminine energy
It's time for her to be
Fully in herself
Fully on the Earth
Truly womanly
In her beautiful body
In her beautiful heart
In her beautiful womb
In her beautiful, beautiful…
She is the mother your hugging
She is the lover your loving
She is the beauty of love
She is the bowl from which everyone feeds
Regardless of wealth
Regardless of need
Regardless of wealth
Regardless of greed
She is one heart
All hearts beat in her heart
It's time for her to be
Fully in herself
Fully on the Earth
Truly womanly
In her beautiful body
In her beautiful heart
In her beautiful womb
In her Beautiful beautiful…
She will break you open
When your heart has been broken
To take you deeper in love
To take you deeper in love
She longs to be de-maled
She longs to be unveiled
She longs to be hailed as herself
In her beautiful body
In her beautiful heart
In her beautiful womb
In her beautiful beautiful…
It is time for her to be
Fully in herself
Fully on the Earth
Truly Womanly
Beloved I am calling you
Beloved I am calling you
To open this heart
Calling you
To open this love
Calling you
I give you my heart
Calling you
I give you my love
Beloved I am calling you
To open this heart
To open this love
Calling you
I give you my love
Calling you
Oh beloved I know you hear me
When will my lover come
When will my lover come
Ooh to me
I am calling near
I am feeling you’re here
My temple is filled
With sweet flowers that smell divine
When will my lover come
When will my lover come
Ooh to me
The wine of love
Is falling from my lips
The fruit of love
Has ripened in my heart
Come drink with me my love
Come dine inside my heart
And disappear into the One
When will my lover come
When will my lover come
Ooh to me
The blessing tree
Showers down her leaves
Creation to me speaks
To let me know you hear me
The blessing tree
Showers down her leaves
the Universe comes near
To hear a true heart calling
When will my lover come
When will my lover come
Ooh to me
When will my lover come
When will my lover come
When will he come
Ooh to me
I’m not a good girl
I’m not afraid
To see and meet her
Look in her face
I’m not a good girl
No more controlled
See how she moved me
I let her go
I open wide
My throat inside
Unshackle her
From deep inside
I’m not a good girl
I let her go
I’m not a good girl
No more controlled
I let her roar
I let her roar
I let her roar
My wild woman
She lives inside
I will not hide
My wild woman
She lives inside
I will not hide
My woman
I let her wail
I let her roar
My wild woman
I let her wail
I let her roar
My wild woman
She lives inside
I let her thrive
My wild woman
She lives inside
I let her thrive
My wild woman
She lives inside
She loves to dance
She’s so alive
My wild woman
She lives inside
She loves to dance
She’s so alive
Thighs open
Hips open
Breasts open
Mouth open
I let her rise
Thighs open
Hips open
Breasts open
Mouth open
I let her rise
Thighs open
Hips open
Breasts open
Mouth open
I let her rise
Thighs open
Hips open
Breasts open
Mouth open
I let her rise
I’m not a good girl
I’m not afraid
To see and meet her
Look in her face
I’m not a good girl
No more controlled
See how she moved me
I let her go
I let her go
I let her go
I let her go
Thighs open
Hips open
Breasts open
Mouth open
I let her rise
Если у тебя возникли какие-либо вопросы по этому продукту, пожалуйста, напиши мне в мессенджер. Я отвечу в самое ближайшее время.