Free Yourself from Guilt BUY

Free Yourself from Guilt

How to stop carrying heavy load of mistakes and traumas of the past and start living

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Guilt. I bet you know this feeling well. Every woman does.

Often this awful feeling hides deep in your subconscious manipulating you into making choices you don’t even question as alien to your nature. 

Sometimes guilt on contrary screams at the top of your head, suppressing your will for life or pushing you into the web of lies to cover your “deeds of the past”.

In any case it makes you weak and subdued or anxious mistrustful and passive aggressive

And occasionally we find ourselves on the other side. Using guilt to occasionally manipulate adults and often children to subdue them to our choice or decision. This behavior comes back to us as a boomerang hitting us when we least expect it.

Guilt knits an intricate web of self-depreciation and lying disguise.

It is extremely uncomfortable topic to look into, especially when it comes to your life. So I salute your courage to go deep with me and clean this ugly sticky mess. 

The one that corners you into one of the two typical behavioural patterns:

1) I don't deserve.
I don't deserve to live, I don't deserve to be loved, I don't deserve to be happy, I don't deserve to be abundant etc. etc.

2) I have to lie.
I must lie to cover original deed as if you'd only know what I've done you'd stop loving me, stop trusting me, stop being friends/partners with me etc. etc.

I went through this painful journey myself long time ago. And it equipped me with extremely efficient exercises and practices that will now help you to free yourself from guilt.

You can also clean yourself from heavy load of compromises, traumas and mistakes of the past. 

I’ll help you to

  1. Free yourself from experiencing your life through the prism of guilt
  2. Come back into the feeling of self worth and self respect
  3. Stop devaluating yourself and any given opportunity, depreciating your skills, achievements and aspirations
  4. Bring back the right to live and enjoy the abundance of life
  5. Get our of the maze of lies and manipulations
  6. Allow yourself to feel safe secure and trusting life
  7. Start living your dream

My methods are based tens years of profound experience. They helped hundreds of thousands of women to deal with their «unresolvable» issues. They will help you to heal the wounds and bring back joy, happiness, value and abundance to your life.

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Do you have any questions? Contact me now

Should you have any questions, please contact me via messengers below. I'll reply you shortly.

Lesson Plan

Take a deeper look into the course to have a better understanding of what awaits your inside. Watch the first two videos right here.

1. The burden of guilt / Peruquois story

  1. The burden of guilt / Peruquois story

    Fasten the seatbelt, we are going straight to the point
  2. What happens when you cannot face the truth

    How the patterns of guilt form, and how they start shaping your life
  3. Crime and punishment

    The most common behavioural pattern
  4. How the guilty conscience shapes your desicions

    Results of conflicting moral codes
  5. I don't deserve or I lie

    How does guilt push you to behave?
  6. Emotional repercussions of guilt

    Are you living in emotional turmoil?
  7. Where does guilt store in your body

    Let's find where it hides in your body
  8. Food guilt

    What is your relationship with food, diets etc.
  9. Guilt Pacifiers

    Things that help us numb the feeling of guilt, and how they affect our life
  10. Guilt reinforces and triggers

    What are these hidden things that push the guilt button here and there
  11. Family guilt

    Do you accept the layers of guilt that form family relationships?
  12. Recognising karmic loops

    When the door is open all sorts of unwelcome «guests» come freely in
  13. Revisiting your journal

    Treat your journal is your inner psychologist
  14. The importance of action to clean guilt

    Seeing is not enough
  15. Clearing guilt pacifiers and addictions

    Removing all these sticky gooey things that push you down and stop you living your life
  16. Introduction to guilt release practice

    Getting ready for the deepest cleanse
  17. Solar plexus release

    Deep tissue massage release
  18. Developing sensetivity practice

    Final preparation for guilt release practice, get attuned to your true nature
  19. Guilt Release Practice

    Let's go deep with me and clean all these cobwebs of guilt and its subconscious patterns
  20. Welcome the Change

    It is very important to start forming new relationship with life
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